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Oceanschool project Kick Off Event

The OceanSchool is a pioneer pedagogical project in Blue Growth resulting from a partnership between NovaSBE in Portugal and NHH in Bergen, Norway, and funded by EEA Grants 2020.

Several initiatives already exist focused on fostering expertise in different fields related to blue growth. However, there is a lack of education and training programs in economics devoted to blue growth. OceanSchool fills that gap by developing an innovative multidisciplinary course stream initiative in blue growth for master’s students at NovaSBE and NHH.

The program builds upon the expertise on (i) Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from leading European Schools of Economics and on (ii) natural sciences and public policy practice from recognized public institutions responsible for data collection, research, and public policy advice in maritime affairs, such as, the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) (

At NovaSBE, the program is designed for both the master's in economics, a pre-experience three-semester program, and the master’s in international development and public policy (MIDPP), aiming to attract both pre-experience and mid-career practitioners. At the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Bergen, Norway ( the program is designed for students in the flagship Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, which offers both a major and minor in Environmental and Natural Resources.

Blue Growth is a transdisciplinary subject. Taking that into account, the program curriculum has been designed to offer students a solid background in resource and environmental economics, with a focus on marine resources. OceanSchool will thus endow students with the necessary competence and skills to develop economic and public policy analysis on maritime topics, delivering the first specialized breed of economists and practitioners related to Blue Growth in Portugal.

A first presentation of the program was held on August 31st 2023 at Nova SBE.

Start: 31-08-2023 10:00

 End: 31-08-2023 12:00

 Where: Online e NovaSBE


9h45 - 10h00: Reception at Nova SBE facilities, with coffee and tea

10h00 – 10h15: Welcoming

10h15 – 11h: OceanSchool presentation, including final amendments:

  • Project general goals

  • Teams involved: researchers’ short presentation

  • Project activities pitch presentations, including final amendments

11h00 – 11h15: Coffee break

11h15 – 13h00:

  • Project activities pitch presentations

  • Final timeline

  • Budget

13h-14h30: Lunch break

14h30-14h30: Presentation of research work on themes/research projects related to the blue economy

  • Margarida Ortigão (online) “Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forests in the Sofala Province, Mozambique “

  • Joâo Seixo: “ BlueForests: natural capital from nature-based solutions” 

  • Miguel Fernandes (online): "Supporting the development of climate-smart marine spatial planning in Portugal with spatially explicit risk analyses"

  • Gonçalo Araújo: “Investigating Portugal’s mainland purse seine fishery spatiotemporal activities footprint based on georeferenced data"

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